1. Must. blog. more. often.
2. Must finish planting veggie garden.
3. Plan for crazy adventurous road trip to fort collins this summer!
4. Finish folding laundry. Again.
For some reason, today is all about lists. It's been awhile since I've blogged because there were some things I couldn't blog about (namely, pregnancy) which created a bit of a writer's block. How could I NOT blog about THAT which was consuming much of my thoughts and energy? But since the news is o-u-t I can talk about baby #2 and other things occurring these days in the Brink household.
List #1: What I love about being 12 weeks pregnant:
2. Nausea is going away. (yucky)
3. I got to see baby waving at me today! (My doctor has this way cool, hand-held ultrasound device. AND behold: little hand waving for me to see. Amazing!)
4. I finally can TELL people. (sigh of relief #2)
5. I LOVE pregnancy jeans. Wish I could wear them ALL the time. AND now I've given myself permission. (YES!)
List #2: What I love about Silas being 15 months old: (This has been a very difficult stage for me and him, however, I'm choosing the see the positive about this age!)
1. He can walk, and is getting better at it all the time!
2. He's talking more all the time- he says ho-ck-ey and more, uppie, mommy, teddy, puppy and many more very cute (and intelligent) words (lol)
3. He can fold his hands to pray!
4. He still, most often, naps twice a day. (lifesaving)
5. He can focus on one activity for longer than 5 minutes! (such as playing hockey with a kitchen spoon and ball or ripping up tissue paper into teeny tiny confetti shreds)
6. He will actually stand still and let us wipe his nose (a-mazing)
7. He is capable of helping us 'clean up' now!
List #3: What I'm looking forward to in the near future:
1. Spending a month in Colorado for bible school!!! Yahoo
2. Going to Saskatoon for Jason's staff conference this summer.
3. Camping. I dunno when or where, but it's gonna happen this summer!
4. More hiking (Silas is still such a great little sport and will hike with us for hours at a time!)
5. More biking! (We've had a few bad rounds, let's hope this summer Silas is ALL ABOUT the bike!)
1. We don't think we'll find out if this new babe is a girl or boy (aaaah, could I even WAIT that long to know?)
2. We're sad to see two great couples we love move away this summer, and another great couple leave our church (hopefully that doesn't slow down our friendship!)
3. We're, in the meantime, needing to study like crazy to do an online course before June. Not sure we'll make it...
hey, a new baby! congratulations, what happy news!