Thursday, April 1, 2010


This is how my morning yesterday was supposed to go:
silas was asleep so I made some lemon scones (yummy), got a cup of HOT coffee ready, sat down with my have some good quiet time:

This is how my morning actually went...
I sat down, ready to eat that first scrumptuous
bite, and to sip my hot coffee- wrote two words
on my journal page...and Silas woke up crying,
screaming in fact. The rest of the morning
I was trying to figure out what was wrong. Fed him,
took him for a long walk in the stroller
to get him to sleep etc.
Ha ha. Parenting is ALL about flexibility.


  1. ya by flexibility - you mean bending over backwards for your kids, right?

  2. Oh, Shannon...I have often struggled with the frustration of having "me" time or "my plans" interrupted by a child who was supposed to be napping or playing quietly. Boy has that brought out the worst of my temper at times, especially when it happens repeatedly. I like to think I'm flexible, but when I sit down to have that scone, I DO NOT want to be bothered anymore...I've given all I can for the moment and am prepared for "me" time and then I have to turn around and give again instead. I love my kids, but sometimes I just don't feel like i have it in me to not be selfish at those moments. Reminds me of the times when Jesus was tired and wanted to get away from the crowd, but they followed Him and He was moved with compassion and chose to minister to them anyway... Flo (using Dale's account)

  3. Yay flexibility. Remember when you couldn't reach down to tie your shoes? HOW FAR YOU'VE COME!!

    ( ... yes I'm aware that those are different kinds of flexibility ;D )

    Also, may I get the recipe for you lemon blueberry scones from you?? And shall we walk sometime next week? Tuesday maybe???

  4. I'm learning some flexibility here too - though of course for different reasons. No one seems to ever tell me what is going on, so I have to go with the flow! It's a good lesson to learn.

    PS. You rock.


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