Monday, January 23, 2012


Okay.  So I complain.  A lot.  This is on my new years resolution in 2012 list:  I want to learn how to be more content, more joyful, more thankful. To STOP being a negative jerk and start praising God for the abundance in my life. I learned a secret about this yesterday: what if I search for the hidden praise item in the complaint I am forming.  [What?!]  I'll give you an example:

Complaint: "I hate waking up in the morning.  Silas has too much energy, I have to hit the floor running.  Ugggggh I need coffee"  
Hidden praise item: "If I am 'waking up,' that means I slept.  Praise God.  If Silas has energy- that means he is healthy, and full of life- not sick, weak, or unable to move.  Praise God.  If I have feet to hit the floor with, that means I can walk and move and I have breath.  Praise God." 

Complaint:  "I cannot believe I have to take Toby the doctor for his shots today- 45 minutes away.  A long drive, a crying baby in a carseat.  It's going to be soooooooo awful."
Hidden praise item:  "I have a car to get around in. Praise God.  I have a doctor to go to when I need one. Praise God.  I have the option of getting vaccinations for my son so that he doesn't suffer or die from a horrible childhood disease.  Praise God.  He cries?  That means he has life in him, breath and a voice. Praise God."

Complaint: "My days are so monotonous at home with little ones."
Hidden praise item:  "That means it is not a struggle to survive.  If it's monotonous that means there isn't war breaking over my head, a question of if I will have enough food or water to survive or to give my children to survive.  That means I have enough.  PRAISE GOD."

Whiners are lame company.  I don't want to be one anymore.  So, I'm working on it. 


  1. You rock. This is a good reminder for everyone to see the blessings in everything. Thanks!

  2. You forgot the hidden praise item of thanksgiving for the gift of coffee! Another great post - thanks for sharing.


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