Friday, May 13, 2011


I was reading the Bible and contemplating yesterday.  How is it, that here I am, with weeks of quality, nightly sleep under my belt, and I have not stopped to just say 'thanks' again for God's gift of healing to me?  How is it that I have so quickly forgotten the misery that marked much of the last year with night after night of sleeplessness?  It was my focus, I was consumed by it, I was defined by it.  And now, here I am, having suddenly and remarkably been pulled out of the pit I was in of hopelessness and despair, and I haven't stopped to say 'thanks' again to God.  
  In fact, I feel like I've given credit where credit was not due.  No, it wasn't that I was pregnant, and tired, and that's why I've been sleeping so fabulously.  No, it wasn't that I finally got off my sleeping pills and that's why I can now miraculously sleep.  No, it wasn't that I started seeing a sleep psychologist (he didn't do much at all really).  It was God.  Simply.  Completely.  Absolutely.  Why did He choose to heal me when He did?  I don't know.  Why did He wait so long?  I REALLY don't know.  But here's the kicker: where is my marker, my pile of rocks that I go back to and remind myself of the incredibly compassionate and merciful God that I serve Who, in His great love and grace, healed me of such a horrible affliction?  I feel like such an Israelite.  They watched the red sea part before them, allowing them to escape from their enemies and weeks later they are bowing down before a statue made of gold.  WHAT?  They already forgot.  They didn't stop and remind themselves of their incredible rescuing God.
  I don't want to make the same mistake.  I want to learn lessons, LIFE-LONG lessons from what this year was.  I want to never doubt the power of prayer, and that God is willing and able to do miraculous healings today.  I don't want to forget that healing isn't just for everybody else but me, God does know me, see me, and love me and longs to pour out compassion on me, too.
  So here I am.  Just saying thanks.  Wow.  I've been sleeping and, you know, it's been such a gift.  Thanks God- for seeing my despair and when I was ready to truly give in, and give up, You came and You healed.  I am ever ever ever grateful.  


  1. Yay for sleep! Good to know you are resting and finding rest in your time with God. Strength and wisdom come through experience as you may already know, Shannon. Praying scripture is so powerful in keeping our focus on God's blessing and His much greater plan than ours (Proverbs 16). Life is a process, a journey; enjoy it all!!

  2. You're a champ, Shannon! And God is SO good! I am SO glad he healed you and that you can finally sleep and rest well.


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