7:30 am. Usually Silas is up already for the day. But he wasn't. "Perfect, I thought, I can get Toby down for his morning nap before Silas wakes up!" 8:00. Silas is still sleeping, "That's odd, but I'll do some chores..." 8:30 am. I go in to check on him and find him beside a puddle of puke. Uh oh. By 12 o'clock it had been a warzone of projectile vomiting, diarrhea, fevers, loads of laundry and lysol wipes.
I'm not sure this is possible, but it seems that Silas has bounced back hugely this evening. I'm not holding my breath but in the meantime, I'm going to count my blessings. I've super thankful because...
1. I have a washing machine and dryer. I did 9 loads of laundry in the past 2 days. Imagining this same scene whilst having to wash things by hand is,well, horrid.
2. Information and an education at my fingertips. As a nurse, I know some basic things like hand washing, replacing fluids, and how to manage a fever. Even if I didn't have a nursing education (which in itself is a reason for praising God), the internet is right here at my fingertips for clues on how to manage a sick toddler. Many mothers worldwide don't have this kind of information at their fingertips.
3. Family close by. I'm thankful for a Nana, Papa and Grandma who texted today and for a Grandma who lives close enough to run out and get some Pedialyte and Gravol for Silas (since I was car-less).
4. Medical help is only a phone call away, or a 10 minute drive to the hospital. Knowing that I have access to help if things go sour is incredible. So few around the world have this luxury with their sick kid. [Shout out to all you missionaries out there: you are a-amazing that you give this 'security' up for the sake of the call].
5. Clean water. I know that if I give Silas water, the water is clean. It won't make his sickness worse.
6. Access to medications. Tylenol and Gravol helped us out today. How much worse to watch your child suffer without these helpful aids?
7. Flushable toilets. Enough said.
8. I'm grateful Silas is potty trained (mostly) at this point. This meant that his D-train went down the D-rain rather than in a diaper. (Shudder).
9. A husband, who works close-by, and who could come home early and bring me a happy-hour-frappe. All of these things could make 4 different thanksgiving points.
10. My child will most likely get better. [In fact, miraculously, he seems to be MUCH better this evening]. Some parents have to watch their kids get sick. Every. Day. And are not able to do anything about it but watch. This alone makes me overwhelmed with how blessed I am.
Thanks God. So much to be thankful for on a day like today.
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