Friday, September 12, 2014

On Facing Giants

I see you there, Giant.
And I am trembling.
I am quivering because, you see, I know your height.  I know your strength. I see you rage against me.  
We are well acquainted, you and I.  How long's it been?  Five years already?
I see your armour, I know the jab of your spear.  
I have felt the blood trickle down my face from another blow to the head.
Your fists have pummeled, your breath has been hot against my cheek as you've fought against me.
I see you standing there, all haughty and proud.  You think I'm defeated.  
And I have believed you for a long time.
Too long.
So long.
You have stood in my way, I have been a slave to my fear of you.
The landscape behind you is hidden by your shadow. 
I cannot see the view because of your stance.
I have long stood before you, timid and low.  Beaten and broken.  Bloody and raw.  
I am afraid because you, my enemy, know me well.
You know that I am weak to save myself, and my heart is heavy.
You know that my determination is waning and I am bone weary.
You know that I am still little, you are still big, and you won't back down.
But, Giant, you are in my way. The only way past you, is to defeat you.
I can't do it.  I can't fight your way any longer.
And do you see that?
My weaponry has changed.  I have shed my previous armour.
See behind me?  See around me?  See before me? 
My God is with me.
You don't stand a chance.
I have a stone.  I have a sling.  And my arm is positioned to strike.
And He is able.
He is able.
He is able.
I am still trembling.  
I have fought you for 5 long years.
But this time will be different.  
It will, because my need is great and my Savior is bigger.
He will save me from your hot headed accusations.
He will save me from the fear that grips me in the night, every night.
He is mighty to save
I am just a girl.
A small girl, with a small stone, and a sling.
But you, Giant, you are defeated already because my God is bigger.
And I will face you.  This time I will face you.  
I will not bow low to you.  I will not kiss your feet.  I will not tremble.
Steady now, heart, I will not tremble.
I will trust.
I will believe. 
I will walk forward, believing my path will be made smooth.
And my enemy will be trampled under my feet.
With my foot on your face, I will view the horizon and walk forward in strength.
Be still, trembling feet.
Be steady, galloping heart.
The journey awaits.  
The fight must begin.
Don't back down.
Because Your God is able.

Facing a big personal Giant right now.  Pray for me!

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