Friday, January 11, 2013

In 2012 Did I...?

A New Year!  [Surprised?]  

Where did I think I would be in 2013?  I remember writing '9's in the year spot not that long ago and now here we are.  10 years post-high school graduation, 8 years married, 6 years post-nursing degree, a 3 year old, a 1 year old and I still can't touch my toes.

But, I can make goals?  Right?

This is the first time that I've had concrete goals that I have had to be accountable to because I wrote them here.  I made New Years' resolutions this time last year and it's been a good thing for me to review them often and see if I'm achieving them.

If I was tech-savvy enough I would make progress bars on these. Here's some self-assessment for you on my 2012 goals:

1. Pray more.  
  •  I studied prayer, we led our small group on the topic of prayer and it still wasn't sinking in. Then life happened.  We renovated our kitchen.  I found myself jobless. I was running into real discipline issues with Silas.  My heart was aching at going back to work.  I am now beginning a job that has me pretty scared and humbled. Reminder duly noted: Oh yeah, I need you God, every day. The longing is greater, my desire to hear His voice is greater, so I think I do pray more.  But circumstances shouldn't dictate this so much.
  • This year marked a monumental change in our home though.  We finally have made it a regular part of our routine to have a Sabbath day of rest in our schedule.  We crave it, we long for it, we run to it now.  I used to think "how in the world will we fit a day of 'rest' and connection with God into our hectic lives?" and now I think "how will I get through this week if I don't have it?"  We're still learning about rest and what Sabbath looks like.  But it lends to more prayer and meditation.
2. Learn to be content. 
  • Hmmm.  Maybe this relates to #6 below.  I think if I limit my time on the internet, or limit my exposure to certain things, maybe that will help contribute to greater success in this area?
  • I will say that I've been working on thankfulness and that might be a better marker for contentment [or a better goal than contentment].
3. Find a mentor and mentor someone else.  
4. Let go of having a perfect home. 
  • It helps now that I'm back to work- only so much can be done in a day!  Still working on finding some better ways to organize and simplify so that I can relax into some workable systems rather than flinging things far and wide and then stressing about it.  Maybe I can implement some new systems this year?     
5. Get creative.  
  •  A big way I've been able to be more creative has been spending more time blogging. I have really enjoyed the thinking, writing and photographing that goes into this space.  I plan on continuing this writing journey this year.  Just figuring out how to make it look better, have a more clear theme, and be better organized.
6. Limit my internet/screen time per day. 
  • I have definitely cut back on how much TV I've watched in the past year.  I have tried to be better about what I'm doing on the internet but I do still think I need more clear boundaries.  Maybe only check my e-mail once a day?  Facebook once a day?  Need some better limits like leaving my phone at home when out for a walk with the kids, or not checking the computer/phone while on Sabbath rest etc.  I want to be more present where I am so that I can see and do for others instead of constantly checking technology incessantly. 
7. Learn how to be more fashionable. 
  • This isn't off the list because it's achieved, but I do feel like it's really not all that important to me right now.  I have noticed that when I get up, shower, and get dressed  in 'big people' clothes, then I feel more confident.  In fact, I feel a lot better about myself in general when I pay a bit of attention to how I look.  If only that were possible every day (sometimes 5 minutes more of sleep is just more appealing).
8. Shop better.  
  • Gulp.  Haven't even assessed this yet.  But one step in the right direction is that Jason is in charge of finances now!  Yay! 
9. Give more. 
  • This is in the works.
10. Get informed 
  • Yes and no. I feel like the desire to become more aware and intentionally open my eyes to what is going on around me is there.  I just need to start doing, which means I need some more achievable goals. (More to come on this years' goals).
That would be the overarching theme of my assessment: make these years' goals more 'achievable' or 'measurable.'  Duh.

If this were a class, I think I failed.  But since it's all about growth, about learning and developing, I think I am closer to who I want to be now than I was a year ago.  [In few, small ways].  But that's better than further right?

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