Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Under Attack Day 7

I think I'm under attack.  I'm serious.
You can't tell me that the first time I plan on NOT spending money for 30 days and all this happens (see below) that this isn't a coincidence:

1. My drug plan through work suddenly changes and an expensive medication I need to be on is no longer covered.  And by expensive, I mean expensive.
2. Our travel insurance bombs on covering our hospital stay with Silas in Hawaii and we get slammed with a 2500 bill. (Hoping this works itself out).
3. Our camera dies
4. Our freezer dies
5. Our mattress wakes me up in the middle of the night because my back is in agony.  P.s. we paid 100 bucks for it 8 years ago and it was used already.  These things need to be replaced? And tell me why, oh why, do they cost anywhere from 1-4000??   Oh, THAT's why we bought a used one years ago.
5. Silas suddenly has no shoes that fit and all three of his pairs are currently held together by duct tape.
6. I have my first set of 4 shifts, in a row, in over 2 years and I'm not supposed to not buy a coffee? Or a tea?  Or a goodie?  Or anything to help me through 48 hours of work in 4 days?  p.s. Jason was so kind to buy me a coffee today at work.  By that I mean, I begged him to use some of his personal spending to gain romance points and buy me a drink.  Obviously, that doesn't count.  He reminded me I'd feel guilty.  He was right.  I'm a criminal  law-breaker of my own legalistic endeavor.  Forgive me.  It was a moment of weakness.

It's a conspiracy.
The world is plotting against me, or at least my culture.

Oh, and to throw a #7 in there: we are currently in need of financial support for Jason's work and are in the middle of that journey.  As in, we desperately need Jason to raise adequate support for his salary and at the same time I'm being slammed with messages that we're inappropriately rich (?) and also being hammered into the ground with endless and random bills?

Confusion alert.  What lesson am I supposed to be learning here?  I'm rich, I'm poor, I'm rich, I'm poor, I'm vulnerable, I have no control, I need to lay our finances down on the ground with our hands to the sky- God, provide for us as we provide for others.  Amen.

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